상세페이지 디자인51 자동차 관리 용품 - 상세페이지 작업 (September 2021) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 4. 7. 꿀 상세페이지 디자인 (August 2020) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 31. 한라봉 상세페이지 디자인 (Hallabong / March 2022) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 30. 농산물 상세페이지 (May 2011) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 25. 건강기능식품 (November 2011) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 25. 여성 청결제 디자인 (January 2022) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 25. 남성 청결제 디자인 (July 2020) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 25. 여성 청결제 디자인 (July 2020) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 25. 멀티 스틱밤 기획(원고) 작업 포토샵을 이용한 상세페이지 기획안 제작 영상입니다. 장점! 1. 디자인 작업 시 텍스트 작업이 되어있어 편합니다. 2. 의뢰자 분께서 직관적으로 확인이 가능하여 유용합니다. 3. 폰트 크기나 위치를 디자인 작업 전에 조정 가능합니다. 4. 기획자가 오로지 텍스트 작성에만 집중할 수 있습니다. (파워 포인트 꾸미기 no no) 단점! 디자이너가 괴롭습니다. ㅠㅠ Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeon.. 2022. 3. 16. 멀티 스틱밤 상세페이지 디자인 (March 2022) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 16. 건강기능식품 상세페이지 디자인 (December 2021) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 12. 비타민 상세페이지 디자인 (August 2020) Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) Instagram - jeong2303 / https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 / https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob Portfolio : https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Blog : https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Mail : diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 12. 목 마사지기 상세페이지 디자인 (November 2019) Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) Instagram - jeong2303 / https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 / https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob Portfolio : https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Blog : https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Mail : diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 10. 반려동물 식품 - PET FOOD landing page design (February 2022) 2~3년간 꾸준히 작업하고 있는 제품군입니다. 저에게는 유일하게 스케치 작업이 필요 없는 제품군이기도 합니다! :) https://youtu.be/4X-BU-9PuIs Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) Instagram - jeong2303 / https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 / https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob Portfolio : https://www.leejeonghun.com/ Blog : https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Mail : diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 3. 2. 화장품 상세페이지 디자인 (January 2022) Design by Jeonghun Lee (Designer PA) Instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Blog - https://artworks2004.tistory.com/ Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ diworks2004@gmail.com 2022. 2. 28. 건강기능식품 상세페이지 작업 영상 - HEALTH FUNCTIONAL FOOD landing page design :) https://youtu.be/m-ZcBmMV8NI 1. 기획 X 2. 촬영 X 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ diworks2004@gmail.com 2021. 12. 3. 디퓨저 상세페이지 작업 영상 - Diffuser landing page design :) https://youtu.be/DtVrE2KzJ-s 1. 기획 O 2. 촬영 X 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ diworks2004@gmail.com 2021. 12. 3. 커스텀 키캡 상세페이지 작업 영상 - CUSTOM KEYCAPS landing page design :) 작업 영상 :) https://youtu.be/hBCfLG1ifUI 1. 기획 O 2. 촬영 X 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ diworks2004@gmail.com 2021. 9. 1. 고양이 주식 캔 상세페이지 작업 영상 - CAT FOOD landing page design :) https://youtu.be/Nw1wLtj8_q4 1. 기획 X 2. 촬영 X 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https://open.kakao.com/o/stT8Snob ) https://www.leejeonghun.com/ diworks2004@gmail.com 2021. 8. 10. 반려동물 식품 /메인 3종 작업 영상 - PET FOOD landing page design, 3 kinds of main part :) https://youtu.be/PnMMM3HRIbY 반려동물 식품 3종 작업입니다. 의뢰자분 요청사항 : 제품(패키지 디자인) 컬러를 이용한 디자인 반려동물 식품 /메인 3종 작업 영상 - PET FOOD landing page design, 3 kinds of main part :) 반려동물 식품 3종 작업입니다. 의뢰자분 요청사항 : 제품(패키지 디자인) 컬러를 이용한 디자인 1. 기획 X 2. 촬영 X 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com youtu.be 1. 기획 X 2. 촬영 X 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) i.. 2021. 8. 10. 노트북 메인 작업 영상 - LAPTOP landing page design, main part :) https://youtu.be/KQabJXFeYTk 방향을 못 잡아서 메인 작업만 2일 소요되었네요 ㅠ_ㅠ 노트북 메인 작업 영상 - LAPTOP landing page design, main part :) 방향을 못 잡아서 메인 작업만 2일 소요되었네요 ㅠ_ㅠ 1. 기획 X 2. 촬영 O 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) instagram - jeong2303 ( https://www.instagram.com/GraphicDesignerPA/ ) Kakao Talk - jeong2303 ( https:// youtu.be 1. 기획 X 2. 촬영 O 3. 디자인 O Design by jeonghun lee (Designer PA) instagram - j.. 2021. 8. 10. 이전 1 2 3 다음